Thursday, January 6, 2011


Jeff was surprised with a Wii from me for Christmas. Then he got the wii fit from his brother Joe and Rosalie. VERY COOL!!

Jeff and I are very competitive so we have a lot of fun with this. So in addition to the gym we are doing wii fit regularly. Its great cause not always with his schedule can he make it to the gym or let me go. And some of the exercises really get you working up a sweat and you have a blast doing it!

After almost a week out of the gym I went back yesterday for a brief run and some weights. Ran an 11 min mile even after walking the first part to get my knee ready (which has been causing me MUCH pain lately) and a good leg workout.

The statement "Babe, your legs are skinny and your butt is getting smaller." is the perfect statement to get me motivated. Thanks babe you know me well. I am proud of my musculare legs and my bubble butt...they took years to get and tons of work to maintain. So here we go again! :)

We've both dropped a couple pounds without even really trying..very cool!

Here's to a verwii fit year.

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