Thursday, June 24, 2010

Pregnancy Dreams

Well after months of being pregnant I am starting to consistently dream about different stages of baby. Here are just a few recaps of the many I have enjoyed lately:

Protective Mommy:
Jeff and I are walking up our street for our morning exercise when a woman asks us to help her in her garage. We both walk up to help and from her table she pulls out a gun (in my mind whe was trying to kidnap me to have my baby). She pulls the gun out and I leap across the table at her, grab the gun and shoot her right in the middle of the forehead. :)
Version 2 - She lives because I only shoot her in her lower abdomen (where a baby could be) and her kneecap. That way she had to suffer in jail.


Saleswoman in labor:
Jeff and I are in the hospital bed and I'm all ready to push for baby and all the nurses are running about and I'm handing them all Mary Kay gift bags with a look book and I'm telling them to make sure they come back in about 10 minutes so we can then book their facials. I think my exact words in the dream were "If you could just give me 10 minutes to get this over with, then we can book those wonderful free facials for each of you!"

Last night I dreamt that Madison was born and she was a BIG OLE BABY! She had bright blue eyes, bright red hair and was just big and thick and heavy and she immediately started breastfeeding issues there (we jut did a 2.5 hr class on breastfeeding). When I say big and thick and heavy I MEAN IT, she was a solid hardcore thick girl, ready to knock zeus down she seemed so strong. :) My other girlfriend (unnamed) was there with me and she had her baby too and her baby was itty bitty, I mean premie size. Needless to say I wanted a small baby and she wanted a big ole plump baby so we were talking about what we ate and stuff so next time we did it right. LOL!

In most of my dreams I now acknowledge I'm pregnant, some I'm a spy doing all these hardcore spy stunts but I'm preggers, I've had one or two where I'm carrying an empty beer bottle around and everyone is staring and whispering LOL!, and a few other versions of the protective mommy dream (all end up with the other person dead).

So apparently I'll kill without a thought if there is a threat to me or Madison, I think that mentally I'm still in the same shape that I was pre baby, I apparently want an adult beverage and Madison is going to be a thick and heavy, blue eyed, red headed child (she'll take after Zeus). :)

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