Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Birthing Class Outbursts

As you all know, I tend to say exactly what I'm thinking...I have no filter. Sometimes its simply funny, sometimes its simply rude and people get all hurt (truth hurts sometimes anyway), and sometimes its totally inappropriate and I bow my head afterwards wondering where to hide.....

Most of you have experienced these "outbursts" with me and know first hand what I'm talking about.

Here's one more for the books:

While our gingerbread fairy birthing instructor is telling us about recovery, etc. She says the books tell you you can return to normal a normal sex life in 6 weeks, the reality is more like 10-12 weeks.


Audience: complete silence, glaring eyes from the females in the room and I think the instructors jaw dropped a little I def know her eyes got big.

Supporting hubby (with a tad lil bit of embarrasment I'm sure): "Thanks babe, you just said what all the guys in the room were thinking."

We both laugh...no one else does. NICE, REALLY NICE!

Good thing I didn't keep going and say I thought 6 weeks was the LONG estimate, not the early estimate and that 6 weeks was WAY WAY WAY too long as it is. Regardless, I managed to do it again...good job Brandenburg! (i revert back to my maiden name when these moments occur, no need to taint another name! LOL)

But hey, thats me, raw and real....take it or leave it!

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