Tuesday, July 13, 2010

All things Madison (drs and classes)

I've been doing a poor job of keeping my blog and the baby website up to date so here goes.....

A few weeks ago at our regular appt there were signs of a heart problem so I was rushed off to a clinic by the hospital to monitor her heart. The monitoring showed signs of a slight arythmia and they wanted to ship me off to a specialist that afternoon or the next day, but since I've already been seeing a specialist due to the calcium deposit in her left ventricle they decided that I would just keep that appt and monitor her daily.

The specialist appt proved that there is a slight arythmia and its too early to do much about except watch and hope it works itself out. Regardless I was given some rules to follow: No caffeine at all, no chocolate (no worries there), stay away from sugary foods, keep my heart rate down and most of all DO NOT STRESS AT ALL!!

She is a very active baby so its pretty obvious when she's not moving correctly and one night/morning she had me worried cause she was super sluggish and it took a long time to "count her kicks" vs the norm. That afternoon all was well again and I was happy.

This weeks reg drs checkup we scored all A's: no sign of the arythmia at that moment, weight gain looked good, measurements were good, bp good, etc, etc. YAY FOR MADISON, YAY FOR MOMMY!!!

Baby class #3: Parenting for your Upcoming Newborn
Class 1 of 3: we practiced holds, swaddling, changing the diaper, and learned a lot about the 5 S's to calm a crying baby and learned a lot about what to expect a far as what the baby will look like for the first 10 days or so...not as cute as the magazines thats for sure! NOTE: Jeff's hands are the size of the entire babydoll it was really quite interesting to watch him change that little diaper! :)

Cramps, cramps, cramps....yep they are back. very random but def back. Last night I was giggling for about 30 minutes cause I couldn't stand up and turning over was to say the least NOT pleasant. (if you don't know, I laugh when I'm in a ton of pain, moan and complain and say I'M FINE when its tolerable and if it ever goes beyond laughing...I'll have to let ya know, I've not reached that amount of pain yet). So last night I had really really bad cramping WORSE than any period I've ever had, they never made me laugh. But since my dr and I just talked about cramping and if it was random not to worry, I didn't and am not! :)

There is the recap of the last 3 weeks of All Things Madison by way of Drs and Classes

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