Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Commitment or Lack there of.....

OK so I've noticed over the years and its even a statistic now that a lot of people have issues with committing to things. What really got me thinking was a commercial on tv that states 80% of people don't keep promises or resolutions, etc. A commitment is a promise, a vow...not something to be taken lightly. I've been racking my brain trying to figure out what it is that makes people think its ok to say they will do something then just not do it.

My Theory is based on a story I was told by a friend of mine that coached baseball and how annoying it was that the parents didn't make the kids that signed play every game, come to practice, etc.

So....I think that when parents allow kids to half-ass commitments when they are younger it lays the groundwork for them thinking its ok to do so as adults. I was not allowed such a laxidasical raising and maybe that is why when I say I am going to do something, I do it. So thanks Mom and Dad!

So if you have committed to something, find it deep in yourself to stay committed and reach your goals. Its not always easy, but its time to overcome what you were taught as a kid and be an adult. I'm not generally one to favor bad parenting for issues in people (abuse is a different case) cause I think we all, at some point, have a choice and we choose either the right path or the wrong path. However in this instance lack of discipline in children is the only basis I have on why people just don't care if they reach their goals or not.

So..stay focused, choose the right path for you and reach your goals!

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