Sunday, February 6, 2011


"Men, sit down and ask your wives to point out things in your character that you can improve on. Then sit and listen as she goes on and on (laughter consumes all), this and don't get defensive." ..."Ladies, you too."

This was something our pastor asked us all to do as a church today. As much as this may seem like a good idea, I disagree. I think there are always things about someone that you wish to make better and maybe over time those things do become better because as a married couple you sharpen each other and help each other grow into better people. Attacking or pointing out flaws in ones character (just to do it)doesn't seem to be the way to go. Not to me anyway.

You marry someone that you love, that helps you be better, someone you enjoy silent time with as well as family, laughter, etc. You also marry someone that has flaws, you know what they are before you even get to that part of the relationship and if you can't handle the flaws then you leave, its not going to work.

So Jeff and I start discussing this on the way home and it made me realize that I'm not so sure searching your brain to nitpick your partner in life's character is a good thing.

Maybe its because I'm way to honest in that I always tend to say what I think and feel at the moment it needs to be said or the moment I feel it, so if there is anything about Jeff that I see as an imperfection, he knows it already, no need to point it out again. :)

I'd have to say we can all sit around and nitpick each other, but why not sit around and do the opposite...that makes for a much better night and no one looks back with irritation or that "I wish I hadn't said that" feeling.

Cheers to character flaws and imperfections.

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