Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Baby Talk

Jeff said something to me the other day that got me to thinking....

Madison had a rough day and when he got home she was stilling having a rough one. Just unhappy unless nursing and not getting much sleep. While he was holding her and trying to soothe her I said "its been like this all day, poor girl." He said "how do you keep your sanity?"

Here is the answer to that and maybe my view is much different than that of many mommies out there...Its not about me, its about her.

Imagine if your only form of communication was to cry and no one could figure out what you were saying. You would be insanely irritated and even fussier. Babies can have up to 90 different cries. My job as a mom is to learn these cries and calm baby as best I can...luckily for her current cries and fussies nursing fixes them both, the hungry and the gassy.

Baby talk may not be easy to understand or easy to deal with, but its all they can do. So for now I'll listen to my baby talk and do all I can to understand and act as quickly as possible.

We are lucky and do not have a fussy baby so my point of view may be different if we did. But, I'd like to think I would still put her first and continue to listen to her talk to me, whether its oohs and aahs or cries and screams.

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