Thursday, October 29, 2009

Perfect Date

My hubby told me sunday to be ready at 5:30 and wear something warm after saying I want to take you somewhere really nice tonight for dinner...whats your absolute favorite? Steak of course, which he already knew but wanted to confirm.

So 5:30 he shows up, we leave and off we go driving away from town to an area I've not seen before so i can't even begin to guess what he has planned. As we drive farther and farther away from civilization and the sun starts to set I know we are headed somewhere not including a waiter...he really knows how to set up the perfect date for me. But I didn't know yet what all was to come.

We drive and drive and drive up and up getting beautiful sunset views on the way and on a side of a mountain and out onto a wide area where he backed the car up...ah the view...we layed the seats down in the back set up picnic and watched the city lights, the planes landing and stars come out.....the moon was just gorgeous too!

Dinner included flowers, red wine (my last drink, I quit), steak, hot link sausage, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, and my other cheese and chips! How PERFECT!

We ate, snuggled, and were blessed with a few shooting stars.

I'd have to say it was the most perfect date I've ever had, EVER!

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